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Things To Do in Savannah

Cool Savannah brings you the best things to do in Savannah Georgia—where Southern charm, cobblestone streets, moss-draped oaks, and a relaxed pace of life await every visitor. This classic city of the American South sits along the banks of the Savannah River, just 20 miles from the warm Southern Atlantic coastline. Deep history, Southern hospitality, and beautiful natural surroundings attract millions of visitors to Savannah every year, and it deserves a place on the must-see list.

Savannah is a small city that blends urban refinement and a carefully-preserved, centuries-old heritage with the beauty of nature. Home to one of the most active ports in the United States throughout most of the 19th century, Savannah has long been a trade hub for the world’s finest import and export goods. This led to the presence of many influential people, businesses, and industries in the area, bringing a degree of refinement unique for a city of less than 150,000 people along with a reputation for extending charm and hospitality to visitors. Just minutes outside the city, nature rules and you encounter the beauty of verdant agricultural lands and the recreational opportunities offered by wildlife refuges, beaches, and unspoiled barrier islands.

The most difficult thing about choosing the best things to do in Savannah is narrowing down the possibilities. Savannah is a bustling city that is home to a lively urban arts and culture scene, amazing antiquities, beautiful period architecture, and all the awesome Southern-style cooking you can eat. Mild, sub-tropical weather makes Savannah an excellent winter playground, and there is something for everyone here. Tour the pedestrian-friendly city, visit historic inns and taverns, enjoy fine dining, homestyle comfort foods, and some of the East Coast’s best seafood. Or get outside to  explore nature, boat on the waterways, collect shells on Tybee Island, and golf on world-class courses.

These activities and many more await the adventurous visitor in Savannah, Georgia, and Cool Savannah is your online hub for the best Savannah tours, activities, and attractions. You will soon see why Savannah has earned the title of Hostess City of the South.

Savannah Attractions

Savannah is a true mecca for American history buffs. The city boasts 300 years of history spanning the time of native American tribal habitation through British settlement, the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, and on into the industrial era as Savannah grew into Georgia’s largest port. Six designated historic districts, cobblestone streets, colonial-era churches and cemeteries, grand Victorian homes, riverboat cruises, and carriage rides take visitors back in time to the city that was the southernmost commercial port of the original 13 American Colonies.

The Savannah Downtown Historic District dates to pre-Civil War times and features a street plan laid out by General James Oglethorpe, who arrived in February 1733 with a group of settlers to found the city and the colony of Georgia in the name of King George II of England. Making up most of Downtown Savannah, the Historic District features 22 park-like squares, 4 of which were laid out by Oglethorpe as part of the original city plan.

Most of these squares are named in commemoration of an important person or event and many contain monuments, statues, plaques, or other markers. Surrounded by 17th and 18th century homes and commercial buildings in one of the largest urban historic districts in the United States, and all within a half-mile square area, Savannah’s squares make for a perfect walking tour.

With so much history on offer, Savannah teems with sites of significance. You can visit immaculately restored 18th-century merchants’ mansions dating to the days when cotton, indigo, and silk production gave the city an important position in global trade. Old churches abound—the Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Baptist, a Savannah icon that dates back to 1859, has 81 stained glass windows, 16 gargoyles, and was the first brick building in Georgia. Take in the atmosphere of River Street, site of so much history, and see the original warehouses along the riverfront, now home to art galleries, eateries, and entertainment spots.

The Savannah City Market, a vintage 1700s open-air market, attracts visitors with boutique shopping, many dining options, art galleries, and special event spaces. Take a walking tour to experience true Southern cooking or do a pub crawl. Ghost and mystery tours are another fun attraction in a city filled with very old cemeteries and buildings that have seen so much over the centuries. And scattered throughout the city you can find museums, heritage centers, and quirky interest points like the bench where Forrest Gump sat in the beloved Tom Hanks film.

The team members at Cool Savannah blend technological savvy with expertise in the travel, tourism, and guest service fields to put together some of the most interesting and user-friendly online travel resources on the web. Cool Savannah is your one-stop convenience center for building an itinerary of the best things to do in Savannah.

Enjoy browsing the pictures and reading the descriptions, then book in complete confidence with our secure system and get all necessary vouchers and details delivered right to your mobile device. Real-time availability and scheduling, online ease, and friendly customer service via text, chat, email, or phone make arranging your Savannah visit easy. Whether you are planning ahead or are already in Savannah, count on Cool Savannah.

Recommendations: The Best Things to Do in Savannah

Spending a day touring the city aboard a classic trolley car with hop-on, hop-off privileges that allow for exploration at your leisure is an excellent way to get an introduction to Savannah. Then make your way to the historic Savannah riverfront district as the afternoon ends for a riverboat dinner cruise or a sightseeing cruise downriver to Old Fort Jackson to see some of oldest and largest antique cannons in the US. The Savannah River gives access to the open Atlantic, and the riverfront ports have been foundational to the human and economic development of the city since the earliest days of settlement. A day like this on land and water gives the visitor a true feel for the city and its long history.

Weather permitting, Tybee Island, also known as Savannah’s beach, is a great place to spend a day. Gentle waves, excellent seashell collecting, a fishing pier, seafood shacks, birds and wildlife, and the first lighthouse on the Southern Atlantic coast are a few highlights. Take a cruise to spot dolphins and view historic sites along the river and coastline. Combined with a tour of the historic district, it’s a great way to spend a day in the fresh air and see some of the top Savannah attractions.

Savannah is ideally positioned for day trips, with South Carolina and Florida both within easy reach. Take a ride up to Charleston South Carolina to soak in more of the Southland with Civil War history, plantation tours, classic homes, great seafood and much more. Or go up to Hilton Head Island for beautiful beaches, legendary golf courses, dolphin watching, sunset cruises, and all types of fun on land and water. Southward, you will find Jacksonville Florida and the ancient town of St. Augustine where Spanish explorers first established a foothold on the North American continent.

There really is no end to the possibilities when you visit incredible Savannah Georgia, and Cool Savannah puts the best things to do in Savannah right at your fingertips. Choose your favorites, then add something completely new to up the adventure level. A few scrolls and a couple clicks, a little bit of information and your arrangements are made. Book in complete confidence and get in touch with our dedicated customer service staff if you have any questions at all. Welcome to Cool Savannah!